“A picture says more than a hundred words”
The professional section
I have built this site mainly around the professional section and with specific purposes in mind. Unfortunately I don’t have a feedback or comments section because I don’t have the time to attend to this properly at the moment. If you have a specific comment or request, feel free to use
the ‘contact’ page.
Visual representations are central on marcr.net
When talking to candidates for the OCR level 6 in Career Guidance Qualification, I noticed a lack of visual representations of the different career theories and related theories online. Often, a picture says more than a hundred words, particularly for more visual learners. Because of the many graphics,
it’s best to use marcr.net on a laptop, desktop or tablet with larger screen. It’s very difficult to impossible to make something that comes across well for a phone or small tablet for the subject of this website.
One stop resource base for the level 6 OCR qualification in career guidance – Unit 3, and others
Even though we offer quite a good list of resources in house, students often don’t have access to an academic library. This means resources to reference and use are relatively scarce for some theories. Academic resources are scarcer still. Even though I don’t have the time to offer in depth information for the main and other career theories, my aim was to offer a one stop resource bases for students on the OCR Career Guidance qualifications.
Stepstone for further research
Alongside that, I think it’s important for level 4 and 6 candidates to do their own thinking and research to help them make up their own mind about the theories. With marcr.net I hope to offer a starting point for further research, especially by adding some questions and resources at the bottom of every page. I also hope that the theory section of the website will enthuse some students in seeing theory as something interesting and even exciting to explore to help their practice. Theory really doesn’t need to be boring!
Source for tools for career guidance, coaching and counselling
I am also constantly exploring, creating and trying out new tools. Some of these are linked to the organisation I work for at the moment and I can’t publish these here. Others I created in my own time and I will make those available on here, free to download and use. Try them out yourself and see what you think!
The career section
This section is for those people who would benefit from some support, although this section will be in development for some time to come because of the limited time I have as a full time career professional and assessor. In the career section I am also exploring a new way of thinking about careers, so there will be ongoing changes on that section.
And more…
Writing for careers and especially
using graphic design for career guidance, are a specific interest of mine, as you can tell from the many examples on this website. I am always exploring new ways of using graphic design. I’m also an advocate for improving the way graphic design is used in all kinds of materials, including PowerPoint presentations, materials for publication, as well as the use of graphic representations in one to one interventions. Good basic design can help get a key concept or idea across much more efficiently and more pleasantly. I hope to build up that section over the next couple of months, if time allows.
All the graphics on this website are created by me and attributed where possible and needed. Feel free to download and use my graphics where possible, but please ask for my permission when using these in a commercial context.
A bit more about myself:
Not everyone wants to know everything about me, linked to this website and what I have to offer. I have a lot of different experiences others haven’t had, so sometimes I have some unique insights and understanding about other people’s situations and possibilities. Of course everyone is different and I fully realise other people have their own unique experiences. Even though it doesn’t apply as much to career guidance or career counselling, as opposed to counselling therapy, but finding out your adviser could resonate well with you and what you require, maximises the effectiveness of the support you get. Of course, a lot of this will become apparent during a personal meeting. I hope I’ve given you enough information for you to make a decision on how I can help, but in case I haven’t, please don’t hesitate to contact me.